23 Species 'Threatened'

After receiving public testimony on the proposed change in January, it has decided that some of the plants on the list should now be considered threatened, and not endangered.The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has listed 23 species of animals and plants in Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands as threatened or endangered.

Among the ongoing threats the plants and animals face are: habitat loss due to development; competition with non-native species; predation by non-native species; climate change; inadequate action to prevent the spread and introduction of non-native species; military training; recreational vehicles; and small numbers of individuals and populations.

The Tuberolabium guamense, a type of orchid found on Guam and Rota, is among 23 species of plants and animals that could be listed as threatened or endangered. It is threatened by agriculture andn development, rats, nonnative plants, fire and storms. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The 23 species, according to Fish and Wildlife, are:
  • Five plants endemic to the island of Guam — Eugenia bryanii, Hedyotis megalantha (paudedo), Phyllanthus saffordii, Psychotria malaspina (aplokating-palaoan), and Tinospora homosepala;
  • Eight plants from Guam and the CNMI — Bulbophyllum guamense (cebello halumtano), Dendrobium guamense, Heritiera longipetiolata (ufa-halumtano), Maesa walkeri, Nervilia jacksoniae, Solanum guamense (berenghenas halomtano), Tabernaemontana rotensis, and Tuberolabium guamense;
  • One plant, Cycas micronesica (fadang), in Guam, the CNMI, Palau and Yap;
  • The Guam tree snail, which is endemic to Guam;
  • The Rota blue damselfly, which is endemic to Rota;
  • Langford’s tree snail, which is endemic to Aguijan; and
  • Six animals from Guam and the CNMI — the Pacific sheath-tailed bat, Slevin’s skink, the Mariana eight-spot butterfly, the Mariana wandering butterfly, the humped tree snail, and the fragile tree snail.
“These 23 species are facing tremendous challenges with shrinking habitat and the onslaught of invasive species,” said Kristi Young, the Service’s acting field supervisor for the Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office. “Most of these species are known only to Guam and CNMI. It’s imperative we continue to work with Guam and CMNI leadership, federal agencies, and our partners to save these important plants and animals.”

The Slevin's skink, which is a small lizard about three inches long, not including its tail, is among 23 species of plants and animals that could be listed as threatened or endangered. The insect-eating lizard lives on the ground or in trees and can be found throughout the Mariana Islands. Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The agency re-evaluated the proposed status for several plant species based on new data received from CNMI Department of Land and Natural Resources biologists and the public during the comment periods, the release states.

The service changed the status of five plants from endangered to threatened because the information revealed that the species were not as diminished as previously thought, the release states.

The establishment of critical habitat for these species could not be determined at this time because more time is needed to analyze the best available scientific data to identify areas appropriate for such a designation. The Mariana Islands covered by this listing rule are Guam, Saipan, Tinian, Aguijan, Rota, Anatahan, Sarigan, Guguan, Alamagan, Pagan and Asuncion, the release states.